I can’t lie but I was starting to worry that we wouldn’t get a run before Badminton but thankfully Norton Disney went ahead and we had a great first run to finish 6th in the BE100U18.
We went on a Pony Club Area 6 Eventing Camp to Somerford Park over the Easter weekend and Mooney was amazing. We practiced all three disciplines and jumped some technical xc lines. Sam York, Lisa Morris and Matthew Firth were great instructors, and they really make you believe in yourself. I also had a great SJ training session with Bruno Freire and dressage lesson with Tracie Robinson through Project Pony.
I am continuing with his fast work to build up his stamina and fitness. I’ve been doing some fitness training of my own as well. He has had his teeth done and his 6 monthly vaccinations. He has his feet done every 6 weeks and he has custom made shoes that help him move better. His saddle has been checked so Mooney has had a full MOT.
I am starting to learn the dressage test we will be riding at Badminton and I’m looking forward to a dressage lesson with Ian Woodhead. The entries for Badminton have opened and I will be getting my entry in and my stable booked. I still can’t quite believe that I have qualified for such a prestigious event . Thanks to Project Pony for all their support and to my instructors who have helped me so much and my family for all the time they dedicate to me and Mooney.